1. Get used to holding your gun with your left hand if your right handed and vise versa. You need to know how to shoot good (and not hit refs) out of the other sides of bunkers. 2. Dont stay at a bunker for more than 30 seconds, enless its a sweetspot. If you stay, the opposition will find out and eventully get an angle on you. 3. The eaisest way to move is to put pressure on a bunker, or have someone else do it, then while theyre hiding, run to the next one. 4.Patience is needed when your playing in woods. In fact its VITAL. I once waited 10 minutes for an enemy to come across my sights, and then when i began to get up, finally one showed up. If I had jumped the gun and left early, he probly woulda got me. But since I waited, his neck hurt pretty bad that night. I spent 4 hours in the woods once in a 3v1. Me being 1 of course. But when the time ended I was on top. -More soon- |